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pyVPLM is a package that is developed to help scientist, engineer, etc., to construct power-law and/or polynomial regression models on different type of data such as finite-element simulation results, manufacturer data-sheets…

It integrates various functionalities such as :

  • Model parameters reduction based on Buckingham Theorem dimensional analysis and

  • Pint package with derived functions.

  • Sensitivity and dependency analysis on dimensionless parameter and limited experiments to simplify further model expressions.

  • Construction of optimized experimental design on feasible-physical variables leading to full-factorial design within dimensionless space. Those DOE are the inputs of parametrized finite-element models.

  • Regression models construction with increasing complexity (terms sorted based on their impact) and validation based on relative error repartition analysis.


Dimensional analysis

The dimensional analysis has to be conducted on a defined set of physical parameters. It can be performed using alternatively buckingham_theorem which will return the default solution or automatic_buckingham which will propose different alternate sets.

Based on the obtained solutions, advanced user can also define manually a new solution set with force_buckingham function.

from pyvplm.core.definition import PositiveParameter, PositiveParameterSet
from pyvplm.addon.variablepowerlaw import buckingham_theorem
d = PositiveParameter('d', [10e-3, 150e-3],'m', 'pipe internal diameter')
e = PositiveParameter('e', [.1e-3, 10e-3], 'm', 'pipe thickness')
parameter_set = PositiveParameterSet(d,e)
pi_set, _ = buckingham_theorem(parameter_set, track=False)

Sensitivity & dependency analysis

Once dimensional analysis is done, there may be still a huge number of dimensionless parameter to describe a performance criteria (mostly form factor) and DOE construction phase may lead to big experiments number and long simulation times.

This is to answer this problematic that pi_sensitivity and pi_dependency functions have been designed. The obtained graph for analysis are based on primary vs. secondary parameters analysis that can be easily adapted using configuration parameters:



Optimized design of experiments

The non-constrained nor reduced experimental set are defined using pyDOE2 package. It integrates automatic sizing of physical/dimensionless initial test plans and functions for selection based on distance criteria (dimensionless mapping) and spread quality (physical mapping).



Regression models construction

The regression_models function interpolate results to fit a given order polynomial model within linear or logarithmic space.

Within log space, the model obtained can be transformed into variable power-law model, indeed:

$$ \begin{align} log(\pi_0) = a_0+a_1 \cdot log(\pi_1) + a_{11} \cdot log(\pi_1)^2+a_{12} \cdot log(\pi_1) \cdot log(\pi_2) + a_2 \cdot log(\pi_2) +… \end{align} $$

Can be expressed in the following form:

$$ \begin{align} \pi_0 = 10^{a_0} \cdot \pi_1 ^{a_1 + a_{11} \cdot log(\pi_1)+a_{12} \cdot log(\pi_2)+…} \cdot \pi_2^{a_2+…} \cdot … \end{align} $$

This is the origin of package name since variable power-law model is one of the current research subject of MS2M team in ICA Laboratory (Toulouse-France).

Regression coefficients are sorted with increasing magnitude while considering standardized values regression (first order terms are selected at the beginning to avoid singularity issues):


The four criteria to evaluate model fidelity with leave-one-out cross-validation are:

  1. Maximal relative error magnitude

  2. Average value of the magnitude of relative error which is a good indicator of both average and standard deviation

  3. Average value of the relative error

  4. Standard deviation of the relative error

On this example with 2 dimensionless parameters and order 3 polynomial expression, a 5-terms model seems to have good representation capabilities.

Once regression models have been constructed, each one of them can be analyzed through the analysis of their relative error using perform_regression function:


Examples and notes

Four Jupyter Notebooks have been developed to present tool capabilities and functions. They can be launched using Jupyter Notebook application and opening .ipynb files from master/notebooks folder.

Additional documentation on sub-packages (pyvplm.core, pyvplm.addon) and functions can be found on the online readthedocs documentation.


To install pyVPLM, simply run:

pip install pyvplm


pyVPLM is an adaptation of the work performed by MS2M team at ICA Laboratory - France and covers the work done during different doctorate thesis:


A. Reysset


  • F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, “*Dimensional analysis and surrogate models for thermal modeling of power

  • electronic components*”, Electrimacs conference (2017), Toulouse

  • F. Sanchez, M. Budinger, I. Hazyuk, “Dimensional analysis and surrogate models for the thermal modeling of Multi-physics systems”, Applied Thermal Engineering 110 (August 2016)